Keeping your home warm in winter does not have to mean sky-high utility bills. With a few simple changes, you can make your furnace work more efficiently, and you can save money while staying comfortable. Here are some straightforward tips to help you lower your heating bills.
Adjust Your Thermostat the Right Way
One of the easiest ways to save money on heating is by adjusting your thermostat. When you lower the temperature by a few degrees while you’re sleeping or away from your house, you will notice a difference in your utility bill. Even just dropping it by 7 to 10 degrees for eight hours can help cut costs. If you have a programmable thermostat, you can set it so that it will automatically adjust the temperature when you don’t need as much heat. This will allow your furnace to run more efficiently.
Seal Up Drafts and Add Insulation
If your home has gaps and drafts, heat can easily escape and cause your furnace to work harder. To avoid this, check your windows and doors for any cold air leaking in. You can seal these areas with weatherstripping or caulk to stop the drafts. Insulating your home properly is another key step. Attics, walls, and floors that are well-insulated will help keep the heat inside, which means your furnace will not have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature.
Replace Furnace Filters Regularly
A clean furnace filter can make a significant difference in how well your furnace works. When the filter gets dirty, air can’t flow as easily, and that forces the furnace to use more energy. That not only increases your heating costs but can also wear down your furnace over time. Make it a habit to change the filter every one to three months. Of course, this will depend on your furnace usage. A fresh filter improves airflow and efficiency to help you keep energy bills down.
Schedule Routine Furnace Maintenance
To keep your furnace in top shape, regular maintenance is important. Having a professional technician inspect and tune up your system each year ensures it is running as efficiently as possible. During a checkup, the technician will clean parts, check for any issues, and make sure everything is working smoothly. This type of upkeep helps prevent costly breakdowns, extends the life of your furnace, and can even reduce your heating costs in the long run.
Let in the Sunlight
Even in the winter, sunlight can help warm your home naturally. During the day, open your curtains or blinds on windows that get direct sunlight to let the warmth in. This can give your furnace a break, especially in rooms that get a lot of sun. At night, close your curtains to keep the warmth inside and block out the cold.
By making these simple adjustments, you can lower your heating bills and keep your home cozy without overworking your furnace. For furnace maintenance and additional tips to keep your Charleston, SC home comfortable this year without breaking the bank, reach out to C&C Myers today!